Сестра Шерлока Холмса снимется с Томом Крузом в продолжении «Миссии невыполнимой»

In January of this year hosted the event, which is so hated by the fans of “Sherlock” was released the fourth season of the acclaimed detective teleserie that asked more questions than gave answers. One of the most intriguing moments of the season was out of nowhere formed the sister of Holmes, who brilliantly embodied on the screen by British actress sian Brooke.

The actress was so convincing in his role that no one had any doubt that her name will sound. And now, Brooke was showered with offers of cooperation, one of which was an offer to join the team of Tom cruise in the new “Mission impossible”. Sian, of course, agreed.

It is worth saying that part of the sixth part of the franchise “Mission: Impossible” is very intriguing: in addition to Siana Brooke and Tom cruise, the film will star Jeremy Renner, Rebecca Ferguson and Henry Cavill.

Premiere Thriller is scheduled for July 2018.