Сестра Людмилы Браташ обвиняет Никиту Джигурду в изнасиловании

Heeding the advice of a lawyer Marina Anisina those, Sergei Gorina, sister businesswoman Bratash Ludmila Svetlana Romanova has filed a lawsuit against Nikita Dzhigurda, accusing him of raping his cousin.

Recall that a few days before the divorce, wanting to prove to everyone their love relationship with the godmother, Nikita posted a very strange video where he has sex with Ludmila, who is unconscious. Because Bratash did not react neither to the words nor the actions of Nikita, Svetlana has no doubt that the chair has drugged her cousin, then raped, and recorded it on his phone.
The woman appealed to the Investigative Committee and in the Kuntsevsky Interdistrict investigative Department with the statement for rape. Svetlana sure that Lyudmila video is in a deranged state.
Recall that the original Lucy’s friend Marina Anisina those, the former wife of Nikita, that did not believe his words about a love relationship with a woman, while not personally convinced, watch this video. Soon Svetlana and Nikita will meet in court over the carve-up of property left by the deceased suddenly Lyudmila. We are talking about hundreds of millions of rubles, which are now owned by the children Nikita and Marina, godchildren Bratash. A native of the sister of the owner of the airline, he left nothing, and it is in the eyes of Svetlana looks at least suspicious.
According to Romanova, Nikita poisoned her and forced to write his name in the will. Bratash spent in the house artist for two days, then died from intoxication.