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Natalia Friske will show fans where she was a star.

Photo: Instagram

Almost three years ago Zhanna Friske passed away after a long illness. Singer did not June 15, 2015. Her family still can’t accept the loss. Sister Jeanne Natalia regularly shares with fans the sisters their memories on the page a personal blog.

This time Natasha has offered its subscribers to carry out live Instagram from the Moscow apartment of Jeanne. The parents of the singer didn’t touch anything in it. All there is left as it was during the life of a star. Periodically family and friends of Joan are going there and the evening entertainment of “memory”: look at pictures, remember stories from my life… And now to see in what conditions there lived the singer, appeared at her fans. When will be aired is still unknown.

By the way, the relatives Friske was the idea to make this apartment a real Museum, but until that was done. The situation is complicated by the fact that the apartment is located in a luxury residential complex in the heart of the capital and is unlikely to take kindly to neighboring apartments suddenly become a public place.

By the way, Natalia Friske and even shared a detail that helps her to ease the pain of losing Jeanne.

“When I wear things sister, I have a feeling that she was next to me, — says Natasha. — We have a Cabinet, which we opened almost 3 years to not erode the smell of her… When I come in to Jeanne in the apartment, I constantly over all things, and remember that we bought together that she let me wear…”