Сестра Жанны Фриске поделилась откровением о её смерти
Natalia admitted that still don’t believe in it.

Сестра Жанны Фриске поделилась откровением о её смерти

Zhanna Friske

Photo: @friske_natalia Instagram Natalia Friske

Sister Jeanne Friske Natalia shared in social networks recognition that still cannot accept the loss that occurred more than six years ago.

“Tomorrow will be 1.8 as your little heart stopped beating… still don’t understand what you don’t… 2009 Photo, your birthday… my mom Printed out this picture to put it in a frame, and the mother noticed that in the background a cross and a gravestone… Almost the same as for the cemetery is now,” wrote Natalia.

Members have tried to support her. In the comments fans of Joan agreed with Natalia that the picture resembles a gravestone, and fastening the fence — cross. Such coincidence, many considered it a mystical omen.

By the way, not long ago, the family established the grave of Joan monument. Natalia has published in the microblog picture taken at St. Nicholas Archangel cemetery, where are buried the artist.

Recall that Zhanna Friske was not 15 June 2015. The actress died after a long battle with cancer. The education of the son Friske Plato deals with his dad, Dmitry Shepelev. Last fall he presented a book about Joan, in which he shared the story of her fight against the deadly disease. It is known that Pope Joan, Vladimir Kopylov, now busy writing alternative books. In it the head of the family intends to tell about the life of a daughter from his point of view. Written Shepelev Kopylov strongly disagree, even accused of Dmitry in a lie.

Tomb Of Jeanne Friske

Photo: @friske_natalia Instagram Zhanna Friske