The actress spoke about the relationship with Sergey Ivanov. Zara announced her divorce from her husband this summer. In the program “Alone with all” holding back tears, the singer told about her life with her husband.
Singer Zara was the guest of the program “Alone with all”. Live artist thought about the relationship with her first and second husbands. To talk about marriage with Sergei Ivanov, the artist was very difficult, because they divorced about three months ago. Holding back tears, Zara spoke about how was their family life.
According to star, at first their relationship was very romantic. “After the divorce my friend Victoria tried to make sure I do not sit at home. We went to an event a mutual friend, where I met with Sergei,” said Zara. A few weeks later the girl went to the project “Factory of stars”.
On Saturday Sergey visited Zara, because in this day of the week she was in “Ostankino”. Gradually novel developed, and then the man made the singer an offer. However, family life has become a serious test for their feelings. According to the artist, Sergei was strict towards her.
“I want you to bring” – said the husband. “Sergei, I already kind of educated people,” – answered him. Maybe under something to adjust to. If you’re an artist, you have to look good, you have to be in shape, you should monitor their appearance. I tried to be an overachiever,” he told the star.
Zara tried to succeed in career and to be a good wife. According to star, she couldn’t relax, always had to be strong. However, despite the attempts of women to save the marriage of Ivanov, they divorced. Singer Zara openly talked about the divorce with her husband
“We can’t handle. It happens. At first I was very worried, but then I realized that I have such a beautiful family, these boys and my whole world in them,” explained Zahra.
The singer admits that after the divorce, their relationship became better than it was in marriage. They communicate, lead sons on partition. The actress can even be something to complain about ex-spouse. However, memories of family life until the cause of the singer’s tears. “I should have come to you later, when everything is healed,” said the guest of the program.
Zara told that the children love her very much. The eldest, six-year-old Maxime, has already rarely shows affection, as does not like his often hug. According to the singer, the boy really likes it when she’s all painted up, so star the mother is trying to always appear in front of him “dressed up”. “The younger he likes me any,” admitted the star.