Певица Слава с юмором относится к тому, что дочь выпивает 17-year-old Alexander came together with her boyfriend to the presentation of the album by Dennis Clever. During the evening, she allowed herself to drink wine, but mom didn’t mention. The singer explained that nothing prohibits daughter.

      Певица Слава с юмором относится к тому, что дочь выпивает

      Singer Slava is very friendly with his 17-year-old daughter Alexandra. Not so long ago the girl has a boyfriend and Dmitry, whose older than her a couple of years. The singer scolding the daughter in such early novels, and, Vice versa, very good with partner Sasha and amazed how beautiful and romantic young man courting his beloved. At yesterday’s social event Glory appeared with Sasha and Dimitri. They did a selfie, which the star has posted on their pages in social networks.

      The reason for such withdrawal was the presentation of the album is former member of the group “Tea together” Denis Clever “Love lives three years?”. Fame came to congratulate my colleague with the successful release of the disc. Friends and acquaintances enjoyed a delicious meal and drank wine. This evening at the celebration were to meet Sasha Savelyev, Alain Sviridov and many other Russian stars.

      To the surprise of the journalists present at the event, the daughter of Fame also didn’t hesitate to raise a glass with alcohol for the adult table. This behavior of underage girls amazed watching the situation from the media. In Russia by law you can drink wine only with 18 years.

      Glory stressed that it is not confused by the fact that Alexander’s drinking alcohol. It prohibits nothing, because he believes the daughter is very sensible girl she will understand how to behave. Singer does not believe that in 17 years, bad to hook up with boys. Sasha takes the time to prepare for admission to College theater, and to communicate with a young man.

      “I understand that the Apple fall far from the tree, still she has my genes. If she will drink, she will drink. If it will hang, it will hang. Sasha I have a cool, she’ll be just fine! And now I just want to go and have a drink with my daughter”, – so commented pop star journalists Life.ru.

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