Певица Слава не стесняется располневшей фигуры в купальнике The star bravely shows the rounded form on the beach. But relaxed during the holidays and gained five pounds. The actress made a feast of the abdomen in the Maldives and has ceased to limit itself in food.

      Famous women are known to be very strictly follow the diet and more than anything I’m afraid to gain weight. As soon as I felt that they had the extra pounds, the stars are terribly worried and are making every effort to ensure that the scales came down. Perhaps, in the number of fighters for harmony and subtilest recently ceased to enter the singer Glory.

      These days, the singer together with the civil husband Anatoly Danilitskiy and youngest daughter Antonina is resting in the Maldives. But preparing for marriage

      During the highly anticipated holiday star decided to relax and get a vacation on the shores of the Indian ocean the maximum of pleasure, which, of course, includes delicious food. Singer Slava admitted that he had gained five pounds. But it seems that it is not concerned, but rather amused. The singer of the hit “Lonely bastard” is in good spirits.

      “Plus 5 kg! Everything is fine! All lose weight, and I eat a lot and tasty!” said happily Thank under the image, depicting her reclining in the gazebo on the ocean.

      Fans supported the singer in her quest not to be like skinny women. They call the Glory of a gorgeous woman and claim that appeared during the vacation pounds did not spoil.

      “An elegant woman does not spoil. Throw anything you don’t need!” “Very nice body, tired smelt dried”, “And rightly so! The figure is awesome!”, “You’re always sexy!”, “Yes, such beauty and plus ten 10 will not spoil, At your height plus five pounds – it’s not scary”, “you are amazing!” – admire the forms of the singer’s followers.

      It is worth noting that the Fame promotes naturalness in everything. Despite criticism from detractors, the actress is not shy to spread in social networks pictures without makeup or after a sleepless night. Moreover, the star does not pay attention that many hard to speak about her figure.

      “I’m so sick of all these modern stereotypes than-their-girlfriends skinny dolls! I love to eat, drink and hate to exercise! I loved loved, family, children and country! Enough to lose weight! Live and enjoy it”, – this position is shared by pop singer.