Пой, светик, не стыдись! Фанаты в восторге от нового клипа Самбурской

The movie “Bad boys” from the star “Uni” has been viewed more than 700 thousand people.

“The video is ready! Waiting for positive feedback. Not bad, joked on the day of the release of his debut video Nastassja Samburski. — I do not want to hide behind the loot in the frame. I, a bath and a song. To be honest.”

And the fans heard it. Of the 700,000 people who have seen a couple of weeks the first creation of the favorite artist, a large part of what he saw was very pleased. To the acting talents Samburski complaints from subscribers was not, moreover, even the voice actress was much to their liking, which is a rarity, as fans of Nastasia usually prefer to criticize, not praise.

In General, the magnitude of the praise has reached such heights that fans of stars “Uni” all agreed that the actress should focus on singing, since she is so good, that even the most caustic skeptics choked, instead of having to constantly engage in arguing with your subscribers.

And I think Nastasia listened to the advice of their subscribers, because recently said in his blog that “wants to be better.”

“Neighborhood influences on man. If you spend most of your time with losers and not professionals, so you eventually will become, – shared his thoughts Samburski. — If you want to become the best, you need to deal with the best, the strongest. Because weak opponents you any new skills will not add, does not hone your skill, you will remain standing on the spot, while he will know how to beat you. I realize that has turned into a market-woman, engaging in perpetual skirmishes with people who have special intelligence and talent are no different. Well I was in competition with people who sleeker obgadit. I began to play, they told me the number and elegance of artistic humiliation began to beat at times. By nature I am sensitive and take everything to heart. And these ghouls sitting there just waiting when I will once again stumble if only to gloat. I’m sick degenerate into a society of sick, wounded and offended by life. I sympathize with all of them. I look forward to more great things, I want to be better.”