Шура призвал маму пойти на примирение The singer hopes that he will succeed to make peace with a parent. According to the artist, the woman she refuses to make contact with him. A few times Shura attempted to rectify the situation.

Star 90s Shura is on a concert tour in cities of Russia. A week later the artist will celebrate his 42nd birthday, but he’s still ready to work on stage for several hours without a break. Singer argues that the work does not allow him to miss you and feel lonely. After the concerts, he returned to an empty apartment, where no one is waiting. However, the celebrity learned to see even the pros. Shura complained of loneliness

“I can go weeks without cleaning the house, wash the dishes. Now left a maid at home, she was gone three weeks, it will have a lot of work to do to restore order in the house of a bachelor. Another plus – you can walk naked through the apartment. I’m not used to be next to someone, but it just yet. I may not be playing the bachelor…” said Shura.

For several years now the artist can not establish a relationship with his mother, who lives in Novosibirsk. He tried to reconnect with a woman even flew to visit her. More than once the man was on duty at the entrance of his cousin, hoping to see her. Svetlana Medvedev has rejected the attempts of the heir.

Shura tries to resolve years of conflict with the mother

“She’s not talking to me still. How it all came out? Very simple. I was making money, and my mother did not want to work at the time. Then I had a stepfather “sitting”. And with him we did not share the mother, and mother didn’t understand me. She chose his side, and together they went to live back to Novosibirsk from Moscow. Further reasons for her offense I don’t know… Caught it with the crew recently, gave her flowers. I am always open for her, always waiting for her call,” said the artist.

We will remind that Alexander knew of the orphan’s life. At that moment his mother wished to build a loving relationship with a man, so one of his sons was forced to send to the orphanage. “In nine years, I had already surrendered to the orphanage. Probably from the age of nine we all went wrong, or even earlier. I cried, screamed, called mom. She was at work. She worked as a Secretary-typist and the leader of the choir in a military unit. And was always at work,” said the artist.

Star hopes that he was still ahead. According to Shura, he sees that in the near future to find the woman who will bear him children. In order to be always healthy and full of energy, he visits a publicist in his hometown.

“I have a personal healer, she lives in Novosibirsk. Saved me from so many sores, put a protection. Artist magical protection is needed, because people us different: and with good intentions and with bad. And I’m sure she knows the future, not only says it… Yes, I would like to know your. We all are creating our own happiness. Mine is to find a life partner and to my mom,” said Alexander in an interview with journalists of the newspaper “Hometown”.