Шэрон Стоун отказалась от съемок из-за закона против секс-меньшинств

Actress Sharon stone, which lately is not often seen in the movies, refused to shoot the film, which was previously agreed, because of the law against the sexual minorities.

The star of “Basic instinct” was to take part in the project called “Basis”, but refused to do so because of the location, being used for shooting this film.

Your position stone explained very simply – she doesn’t want to work in the state that limits the freedom of citizens because of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.

The corresponding letter Sharon sent to the President of Film Studios of Mississippi Rick Moore: “I’m not going to work in the state that has or that adopts the laws that support discrimination against American citizens because of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.”

How this issue will be resolved, the Studio is not yet clarified. Most likely shooting will be moved to another location.

Recall the last time the stone is not the first who came to the defense of members of the LGBT community.

Ringo Starr has cancelled a concert in North Carolina in protest against discriminatory LGBT law. The speech was held in Cary in June.

Like Starr said, he was sorry to disappoint his fans, but “we need to confront this hatred”. “Spread peace and love,” he added.

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