Star of TV series “Beverly hills 90210” actress Shannon Doherty, who is struggling with breast cancer, is slowly but surely on the mend. This past weekend, the artist that publishes almost every step of my recovery, has published new photos and videos, pleased the fans of the actress. After only a few days after a chemotherapy course and Shannon went to the gym.
The actress said that physical activity is always important for her, although sometimes she just can’t get out of bed because of debilitating treatment.
“Yes, I’m tired, yeah, I’d rather lay in bed but I got up and I feel much better now. Any exercise during illness is good. We can do it!” said Doherty.
Recall that in may this year the actress has done a mastectomy, then she had to go through several courses of chemotherapy, and it is possible that still have to go through radiotherapy.
Since the diagnosis, Shannon has experienced shock, fear, anger, and sadness, and despair. Thoughts about that. that life is over, visited her head. As it turned out, she and her husband were planning to have a baby, but now according to the actress, it’s impossible. With the management company that Doherty places the responsibility for its late diagnosis and, consequently, the disease, Shannon figured out, and they agreed to provide her with financial compensation, the amount of which is not reported.