«Шекспир и китайский язык»: Татьяна Навка о своих секретах воспитания детей
Little Hope is growing polyglot.

Tatiana Navka and little Hope

Photo: @tatiana_navka (Instagram Tatiana Navka)

Tatiana Navka soon be fit to write books about parenting. In any case, the progress being made in little girl skater — Hope impress even the most demanding parents. Thus, recently it became known that the two-year-old girl has already mastered two foreign languages (English and Chinese) and native Russian. At the same time, soon she will start learning French.

Tatyana is sure: the more a child learns foreign languages, the more it will have opportunities in life. This view is shared by Tatiana Chernigovskaya, a renowned expert in the field of neuroscience. It leads the athlete is doing now in the development of the daughter’s emphasis on linguistics.

“I’m absolutely crazy Mama and many believe that I mock their children. In General, I have the opportunity, especially over a small. Because the eldest was already with the character. Junior knows I have two foreign languages: English, Chinese. Russian, of course. Starting to learn French!” — shared Tatiana.

In addition, the Pastor reads the Hope before bedtime works of William Shakespeare. It has many times read aloud some excerpts that we can quote the classics by heart, and demonstrated that the air show “Evening Urgant”. In the list of mandatory reading books Olympic champion also added the works of Alexander Pushkin. The skater admits that her overwhelming sense of pride for Hope.