Sexologist Elena Agapova revealed her mission and told the story of her life Elena is a certified sexologist, dermatovenerologist , cosmetologist.

Sexologist Elena Agapova revealed her mission and told the story of her lifeShe wants the world to be full of beautiful people and is confident that it is possible to combine a scientific approach and a deep understanding of human nature, femininity and the desire for self-expression.

In her interview, she talked about her life, how she came to the profession and how she understands psychology and sexuality helps you in your work

Elena, you grew up in a family of doctors and continued the dynasty yourself. How did this influence your choice of profession? Have you always been attracted to cosmetology, or did you have thoughts of connecting your life with other areas of medicine?

Since childhood I have treated dolls. My mother was an example for me, she inspired me with how you can love people, your profession and endlessly improve in it. My grandparents were also doctors, so my choice fell on medicine.

During my second year of medical school, I had an accident. The glass broke and a piece of glass cut my chin, hitting my carotid artery. I miraculously survived, but there was a scar. It was this scar that prompted me to choose a specialization – dermatovenereology and cosmetology. It was important for me to find a solution to this problem, because as a child I was very complex about my appearance. I decided to help people become more beautiful.

Sexologist Elena Agapova revealed her mission and told her story your life

You are not only a successful cosmetologist, but also a certified sexologist. Tell us what prompted you to study such a delicate area as sexology?

After the divorce, which occurred due to a lack of spiritual intimacy, I began to look for myself. It was then that I graduated from the institute of sexology and psychology, took various trainings and advanced training courses. Now I have a specialization – sexology of married couples.

Sexology is a science that allows you to understand the connection between the intellect, instincts and intuition. As a sex therapist, I give people the tools to help them discover their true nature.

In your practice you combine knowledge of medicine, cosmetology, psychosomatics and sexology. How are these areas interconnected? How does understanding psychology and sexuality help you in your work?

When opening my clinic, I dreamed of creating a space where a woman could take care of herself comprehensively. My mother is an obstetrician-gynecologist, my sister is a psychologist, and I am a cosmetologist. It seemed to me that these three specialists were the most important for a woman. After all, they help her maintain external beauty, reproductive health and mental well-being.

I really want to give women the opportunity to be happy, to reveal their inner goddess. After all, a woman has colossal energy. If she is healthy and happy, then everyone around is happy.

Sexologist Elena Agapova revealed her mission and told the story of her life

Have you had any cases when you helped patients solve not only aesthetic, but also deep psychological problems associated with accepting themselves and their bodies?

Yes, of course. In my practice, there were patients who did not bother at all about their appearance and were absolutely satisfied with themselves. And there are women who completely reshape themselves, but this does not add self-love and acceptance to them, nor does it add happiness. This is why an integrated approach is so important.

My task, as a cosmetologist, is to teach women to take care of themselves, their bodies, and use modern technologies so that their appearance reflects their inner potential. After all, modern techniques allow us not just to fight age-related changes, but to improve health and prevent various skin damage caused by stress, sun, dry air, and flights. This gives us the opportunity to feel desired, beautiful, and confident.

Your family is people of traditional views. How did they react to your decision to become a sexologist? Are your aspirations supported?

Unfortunately, my dad was no longer alive when I started studying sexology. But I think he would support me. Mom adheres to traditional views, so at first she reacted to my choice with condemnation. But I was able to explain to her the importance of this for me, and she supported me. Now she is my faithful ally and support.

Sexologist Elena Agapova revealed her mission and told the story of her life

What inspires you in life? What are your professional and personal goals?

My biggest inspirations are my children. It is important for me to be an example for them of a person who lives a happy and fulfilling life. I am inspired by my results, reviews from satisfied patients, my team, the growth of my projects, the implementation of ideas, new discoveries.

I want to create an online product to share my knowledge and experience with more women. I want to help them become happier, give them the tools that helped me. I want the world to be full of beautiful people – both externally and internally. People who love themselves, are inspired by themselves, build harmonious relationships, create families and raise children in love and abundance.

And finally, what advice would you give to women who want to live a brighter, more fulfilling life, but are afraid to change? yourself and your habits?

Go into fear! Life is too short to be afraid. There is nothing worse than wasted time. Allow yourself to make mistakes, learn new things, be imperfect, be yourself. Seek and you will definitely find!

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