Сергей Лазарев с сыном делится фотографиями с отдыха из США
For a long time nobody guessed that the popular singer Sergey Lazarev has a teenage son Nikita.

Сергей Лазарев с сыном делится фотографиями с отдыха из США

Even after the contractor told everyone that he became a father, he did not show the face of his son. And now Sergey is actively sharing with fans photos from vacation and says that he attends with his son in the United States.

Сергей Лазарев с сыном делится фотографиями с отдыха из США

“One of the most vivid impressions from visiting the Miami Zoo – feeding the giraffes!! We loved it… Jake had been in here last year, but only now consciously called and remembered all the animals, with toy copies that is played at home… In Miamicom zoo animals live not in cages, but in specially enclosed for each area. Sufficiently large and spacious,” — said Lazarev.

Only recently Sergey has dared to show the public the face of his son by posting a picture of it, fans were in awe of little Nikita.

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