Сергей Лазарев два года скрывал сына Artist was noticed with the heir during a visit to the temple. Participant of “Eurovision”, his mother and a small child were captured on the territory near the Church. In the network appeared the pictures, which show how Sergey played with the boy, then leads him by the hand to the car.

      The singer Sergey Lazarev and his son Nikita visited one of the Russian churches. They were accompanied by the mother of the artist, Valentina. The journalists managed to remove the executor and his child outside the building. The family came out of the doors of the temple and headed to the car.

      Within two years, the artist is concealed from the public that he had a son. The boy was born in 2014. Earlier Lazarev never spoke to journalists about his heir, and did not appear in public with the baby. As noted by friends of the artist, Sergei did not want to publicly announce that he has a child and carefully hid him from prying eyes.

      The footage appeared on the Network, by playing with baby in the area around the temple. Then Sergei leads him by the hand to the car.

      When reporters asked Lazarus whether he had a son, he confirmed this information. However, during further inquiries, the artist has tried to evade answers about my family. “My personal life that I would not want to make public”, – said the singer. Prior to this many believed that only child, that communicates Lazarev is his niece Alina. The artist often spends the girl time and also spoils her with gifts.

      Sergey has repeatedly attributed novels with the most spectacular representatives of the world of fashion and show business. The last few years, the artist never told me about their favorite girls with whom he goes to movies, goes on holiday and watches soap operas, lying on the couch. In an interview with “StarHit” Lazarev admitted that always comes to the ladies first if they interested him. “As for the girls I meet myself. A man should always be the first to attend. If on the contrary, I immediately feel like I was intruding. The second half will be forced to endure my travel, mood swings. In addition, she must be purposeful, intelligent, not capricious,” said the artist.

      However, none of the representatives of the media and fans of Sergei not aware of the fact that he was a kind girl who gave birth to a son. As reported Life.ru the singer refuses to comment on this topic.