Сергей Лазарев о подготовке к FIFA-2018: «Этот ужас надо срочно остановить! Так нельзя!»
The stars of Russian show business save lives, “best friends”.

Sergey Lazarev

Photo: @lazarevsergey (Instagram Sergey Lazarev)

The Network is gaining popularity of a social movement Bloody_FIFA2018. In his support already expressed by many stars of domestic show-business: Elizaveta Boyarskaya and Danila Kozlovsky, Olga Orlova, Anastasiya Zadorozhnaya, Olga Zueva, Sergey Lazarev and others.

The first topic of cruelty to animals affected Kozlovsky, being Ambassador of the World Cup in 2018. In his microblog he published a plea to all concerned to save stray dogs.

“Many look forward to, when our country will host the football World Cup in Russia there will arrive fans from around the world. This should be a joyful and memorable event not only for us but also for foreign guests. How it goes. Stadiums are built, developing the infrastructure of cities members, made a lot of correct and appropriate. But! There is another. The fact is “not to interfere with the athletes,” the government has already allocated millions of rubles to the mass destruction of stray animals. Why don’t we use those resources to solve this problem humanly? It is known that there are humane methods of trapping, sterilization and vaccination. And allocated enough money to make this happen in our country now! Positive changes seriously hampered by the absence of the Law “about responsible treatment of animals”. I believe this situation embarrassing and impossible in a country like Russia,” said Daniel.

Sergey Lazarev, who is also different love for the “smaller brothers”, on hearing this, was shocked. “Friends, this is a horror! It urgently needs to stop! So it is impossible! On the eve of the World Cup will kill stray animals!” — wrote Lazarev. He was supported by colleagues at the scene. Star campaigning of his fans to sign a petition to “stop the shooting of stray animals on the eve of the 2018 world Cup”.