Сергей Лазарев до сих пор со слезами на глазах вспоминает скончавшегося брата
In the next issue of “Honestly” on the First channel with Yuri Nikolayev became the guest of the famous singer Sergey Lazarev.

Сергей Лазарев до сих пор со слезами на глазах вспоминает скончавшегося брата

During the conversation with the lead singer touched on quite personal issues. He remembered the elder brother of the Pasha, who died more than two years ago.

Сергей Лазарев до сих пор со слезами на глазах вспоминает скончавшегося брата

“It was a very difficult year when we lost Pasha – says Lazarev. – It was certainly a blow to all of us. Two years later, to the day, the Pasha, the Pope dies. In fact, we are left with the mother alone. Pasha we were close growing up, and then life threw us, and two years before death, we re very close, I helped him with the work. In his biography black stripes, Pasha was able to rectify everything. And we were very happy. But someone from above decided that his life should end so early…”

The only happy artist that he managed to meet my nephew Nikita, and even attended his christening.

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