Сергей Лазарев о погибшем брате: «Я рад, что Паша видел Никитку» The singer sees a connection between his son and a dearly departed relative. Sergey Lazarev cannot come to terms with the death of his older brother Paul. A young man died two and a half years ago. Before his death, he managed to visit for the christening of a nephew.
Сергей Лазарев о погибшем брате: «Я рад, что Паша видел Никитку»

The singer Sergey Lazarev became the hero of the new issue of the Sunday program of the First channel “Honestly” with Yury Nikolaevym. The presenter and his guest conversed by the fireplace with a Cup of tea.

A large part of the program was devoted to the personal life of the singer and his paternity, which the fans found out in December of last year. However, not without talking about the losses experienced Sergey Lazarev. The singer has made it clear that he still mourns his older brother Paul, who died in March 2015. 37-year-old man died as a result of injuries received during the accident.

Сергей Лазарев о погибшем брате: «Я рад, что Паша видел Никитку»
“It was a very difficult year when we lost Pasha, – said Sergey Lazarev. – It was certainly a blow to all of us. Two years later, to the day, the Pasha, the Pope dies. In fact, we are left with the mother alone. Pasha we were close growing up, and then life threw us, and two years before death, we re very close, I helped him with the work. In his biography black stripes, Pasha was able to rectify everything. And we were very happy. But someone from above decided that his life should end so early…”

Shortly before leaving Pavel Lazarev became an uncle. The light appeared his nephew Nikita’s son Sergei. The singer admits that despite the unbearable pain of loss, he is happy because his brother had time to get acquainted with the baby.

“I’m glad that Pasha saw Nikita. Pasha was at the christening… There is a connection between my brother and son,” – said Sergey Lazarev.

Singer agrees that part of his love for his brother, he transfers to an heir, Nikita.

Sergey Lazarev believes he’s mad father. “I would give anything to son joyful and happy child, – continues the star. Trying to protect him. If, God forbid, gets sick, I panic. When the child was born, I wanted to shout it to the whole world. But I restrained myself! It all made sense. I understand why I live and work”.

Singer argues that now sees her three year old son the makings of an artist. “Growing the artistic man, he says about Nikita. – I can see it in their facial expressions and gestures. He’s very smart, intelligent, interested in everything. In three years, reads the syllables, trying to write. Likes to clean my shoes, he said, “Daddy, you have to clean it.” Neat scary! Also in me.”