Сергей Жорин раскрыл тайну беременности  подруги Евгения Петросяна Татьяны Брухуновой
After in a network there was video where the first assistant Yevgeny Petrosyan Tatiana Borgonovo clearly see a big pregnant belly, to explain what happened came from the lawyer Sergei Zhorin.

Сергей Жорин раскрыл тайну беременности  подруги Евгения Петросяна Татьяны Брухуновой

First, the lawyer Petrosyan said that this video is two years, and it has nothing to discuss. But then the question arose, not whether Tatiana gave birth two years ago.

But here Sergey Zhorin found the answer. According to him, in the video you can’t tell that Tatiana is pregnant, but those screenshots which appeared online, were photoshop. So, no pregnancy was not, and the belly painted.

Сергей Жорин раскрыл тайну беременности  подруги Евгения Петросяна Татьяны Брухуновой

I don’t know… Screens that you see here is made personally with the videos and no processing was not here.