Тайный поклонник Элины Камирен потратил на день рождения ее дочери полмиллиона The successor of the ex-participants “House-2” was two years old. First, Elina did not want to hold a loud party on this occasion, as the event demanded serious financial investments. However, the unknown admirer gave Kamiren of money, which was enough to surprise the child.

      Тайный поклонник Элины Камирен потратил на день рождения ее дочери полмиллиона

      On the eve, 18 December, Elina Kamiren celebrated the birthday of his daughter Alexandra. The successor of the former participants of the TV show of the country was two years old. Celebration for up to fifty guests, was held at the Italian restaurant, located in one of the shopping centers of the capital.

      “It was very much invited, – says Elina. – At the entrance they were met by fairies in luxurious costumes and a huge fur unicorn. Then the kids put on a show of soap bubbles – the kids were delighted, laughed and jumped for joy. Surprise for the young is the emergence of a tamer with a white handmade doves.”
      Тайный поклонник Элины Камирен потратил на день рождения ее дочери полмиллиона

      The birthday girl got lots of flowers and gifts – toys, constructors, educational kits. Sorry Elina, the festival was unable to attend her friend Alyona Vodonaeva with his son Bohdan. “Alain, at the last moment wrote that Bo was ill – I was a little upset…” says Cameran. It is noteworthy that Elina herself wasn’t planning to celebrate the birthday of Alexandra.

      “Of course, I wanted to make my daughter a holiday, but when I started to think how much it will cost – hair terror stirred, – tells Cameran. And then just a week before the holiday calls me friend Mary and asked if I liked the restaurant Spettacalo. I don’t understand what the issue but said that the place is cool and the kitchen is great, and the service… Asked Masha, they say, but what it is, but she somehow turned the conversation to another topic and I did not ask. Two days later I get a call the management of the restaurant and says that the anonymous man paid five hundred thousand, so I celebrated the birthday party of Sasha. Of course, I was stunned… And in the evening of the same day I got sms from an unknown number, it was a gift to my daughter for the holiday. I thanked him, of course, began to question, from whom such a generous gift? I mysteriously replied that I’ll know when the time comes… Know tricky that the way to a woman’s heart lies through her child…”
      Тайный поклонник Элины Камирен потратил на день рождения ее дочери полмиллиона

      The girl’s father, Alexander Zadoinov also not left without attention the occasion of heir. Though he could not attend the restaurant, Zagainov came to congratulate Sasha in the morning presented a bouquet of flowers and a gift card to a clothing store.

      “Daughter Sasha did not know, – tells Elina. – He has, after all this months never seen! But he has responded to it positively – like, came the fun uncle, why would he not play? Sasha realized this and was very disappointed… the feelings even admitted that he is aware of his guilt and will try in future to behave as a real father of the baby. I really hope that it will – I only that Sasha had more contact with her daughter. This time it was some kind of silk, very guilty. I turned all the lights like I asked… I think he got a right brain, explained that he is acting improperly toward the girl, so father and daughter “saw the light”.

      Тайный поклонник Элины Камирен потратил на день рождения ее дочери полмиллиона