Ученые близки к сенсации: завершаются испытания вакцины от рака

Specialists have reported that they are close to in a tool that can almost cure cancer with one shot!

In March appeared the first signals about the creation of cures. Experts from the UK from University College London made the whole world to discuss his breakthrough: scientists have found a weak spot of cancer cells.

The results of the research, the scientists published in the journal Science. According to experts, today’s vaccines are ineffective – due to the fact that they are unable to recognize cancer cells, so they can begin to act against the body.

Research scientists are not forced to wait and today the whole world is discussing a new universal vaccine for the treatment of cancer.

Over the drug employs a team of scientists from several countries of the world: for the creation of medicines using modern nanotechnology.

“We were the first to establish intravenous vaccine using nanoparticles. In principle we are talking about the vaccine can be applied in respect of all types of cancerous tumors,” said head of research group, Director of the Institute for the study of cancer the University of Mainz Johannes Gutenberg Ugur Sahin the Australian newspaper.

The scientist reported that the vaccine has already passed the “promising tests on mice and several people who suffer from melanoma. The final results of the specialists will get in a year, but the researchers note that the subjects as positive.

Experts suggest that the drug may be completed and approved for application “in about five years.”

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