Скандал! Никита Джигурда отказался от 300 000 долларов
The actor got nasty with the representatives of the famous chain of fast food restaurants.

Скандал! Никита Джигурда отказался от 300 000 долларов

Photo: Starface.ru

Скандал! Никита Джигурда отказался от 300 000 долларов

Nikita Dzhigurda

Photo: Press service of Dzhigurda

Nikita Dzhigurda once again at the center of the scandal. Artist
came into conflict with the well-known chain of fast food restaurants. Judging by
the correspondence, which showed Nikita 7days.ru the Corporation asked him to advertise
one of the products of the restaurant for $ 300,000.

Скандал! Никита Джигурда отказался от 300 000 долларов

Correspondence Nikita Dzhigurda and a representative of the company

Photo: Press service of Dzhigurda

Dzhigurda such offer is not
happy, on the contrary — protested, arguing that this amount is an insult! Given
the level of the artist, the price must not be less than $ 1,000,000. Nikita refused
Corporation in sparkling style by sending its representative at a known address.

Скандал! Никита Джигурда отказался от 300 000 долларов

Response Dzhigurda representative

Photo: Press service of Dzhigurda

Response Dzhigurda

Photo: Press service of Dzhigurda