Сати Казанова уехала на родину мужа Singer again stressed the marriage, but in Italy. In early October the lovers played traditional wedding in the Caucasus. In the capital of Sati and Stefano formalized the relationship in one of the salons. However, they wanted to arrange a separate event for the family.

In early October, the singer Sati Kazanova married to Italian photographer Stefano Tiozzo. First interview the actress gave the “StarHit”, the bride said that the groom succeeded in the Russian language, and also shared details of the celebration at the Caucasus. Apparently, this ceremony was not enough for the happiness of the young, so Sati’s fiancé decided to once again celebrate the marriage in Italy, the home of Stefano. The singer has not yet released photos from the festival, but friends of the pair shared shots.

The singer admitted to “StarHit” that the organization of the wedding in the Caucasus were engaged she personally and her team. Stefano handed the bride. Native Sati lovers congratulated with the beginning of family life.

“Two slices of toast touched me, I cried. First, from her husband’s brother – Chris. And in the end my dad said. Cried all. I realize how difficult it was given to loved ones the fact that I was marrying a person of another culture. The father uttered a deep idea that we are all in God, and that It will be Union of two souls or not. Now I belong to my Italian family and their customs, traditions and laws for me need to be the same family, and unquestioned, as the traditions of the Circassian people,” said Casanova.

The actress also noted that there are difficulties in the relationship with the Italian.

“When I can lose my temper, he is calm and cool. And Vice versa. Recently on the set was the case. On the sleeve of the jacket, in which the husband was in the shot, stayed with the price tag is a big and noticeable. He just spent three hours in the Studio and found it only at the very end. Stefano was furious. Rightly, I believe. This disregard. He applies to everything with a huge responsibility… the Wedding planning is actually also a hell of a test. When I was starting to get nervous tick, he had just come up and say a few phrases, and I have laughed”, – said Sati.

Sati Casanova: “my husband and I tied the mystical signs”