Artist vs young mom immediately started a diet. Sasha Zvereva has three children and can confidently say that the female body needs to gradually return to normal, and not to exhaust the body with exercise and dietary restrictions.
Many women literally right after giving birth trying to get rid of extra pounds in record time. They go on a diet and strictly follow your diet and in a few weeks after the appearance of the baby born to rush to the gym to achieve the chiseled figure. The heroine of the project “Pregnant.After” on TV channel “Dомашний” Sasha Zvereva opposed to women torturing themselves with diet and exercise. She believes that everything should be done gradually. Moreover, the actress said, what can face the young mother, who dreams only of perfect forms.
“It’s very important to seek immediately change your body to return to its prenatal state. It is important to give it a rest – it was changed to nine months, slowly. To bring the figure in shape in one month is simply impossible. This stress on the body. If you rush, your body will definitely respond to any negative consequences: you might start bleeding or something. The first few months you need to take care about yourself, and in any case not to overexert yourself. Already on the second stage in two or three months, you can begin to physical exercise, but very carefully, not overloading your body,” says the artist.
Mother of three children believes that it is not necessary to hurry with the weight loss. In her view, nine months is the optimal time to get back in shape without consequences for the organism. Sasha Zvereva believes that the first time have to treat your body very carefully.
The star of the 90s thinks that childbirth for the female body is under a lot of stress. In order to ease the pain during a baby into the world, she ventured on such a technique as hypnotherapy. Zverev admitted that it helped her to cope with the unpleasant sensations and distractions. The singer said that during labour she turned on the audio, thanks to which it is relaxed.
“When I covered the pain of contractions, I listened to the voice. It seemed that I was distracted from the pain, as if this record is part of your subconscious and leads, – thought Sasha. For me the third labor was the most painful because they occurred not in the bathroom like before. This time the midwife was not allowed a water birth and I had to give birth “on dry”, the pain is felt much stronger. Therefore, the only salvation for me was hypnotherapy”.