The daughter of TV presenter and Director debuted in as a model. The girl opened and closed the presentation of the new collection of designer Bella Potemkina. Strizhenova took to the runway in a delicate dress of a light shade with a fluffy skirt. According to Sasha, she’s found herself in a fairy tale.
15-year-old Sasha Strizhenova debuted on the show of a famous designer Bella Potemkina. It was held during Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, which took place in the Arena from 13 to 17 October. Sasha tried on a fancy white dress with a full skirt from the new collection Potemkina. The tender image of the young star added long earrings and belt in a contrasting dark shade. Strizhenovoj also did a bright makeup with emphasis on the eyebrows.
“Is pleased to present the star of our show, the charming Sasha Strizhenova! Happy that she will open and close the show. We are in exciting anticipation,” wrote before showing Bella Potemkin in one of his social networks.
“Cool”, “Like a mother”, “Class”, “Beautiful”, “Thin and delicate”, “Insanely beautiful”, “Amazing, just don’t know,” was discussed by the subscribers of Sasha her new look.
Daughter of Catherine and Alexander Strizhenovy also shared a photo from the show in his Instagram. She is also quick to respond to criticism from some followers who do not like her makeup. In addition, some members Sasha found that she has model looks. The girl has not ignored these and other comments about her debut on the fashion Week in Moscow.
“I’m not a model, I’m just a guest! Thank you Bella Potemkina for the opportunity to open and close this wonderful fashion show at the fashion Week in Moscow. I felt like a Princess, a true tale! Friends, believe that your angry comments about what I don’t like the others that my appearance is not peculiar to the business model that we’ve had a weird make-up that gait I not the one that took me to pull (this is funny), I was not hurt. Less anger, more smiles,” he shared Sasha Strizhenova in one of his social networks.
Fans of Sasha supported her and advised me not to pay attention to the opinion of the envious. “People tend to criticize, they do it from a lack of goodness in the souls. You graced the show Bella,” “You were better than all models”, “What more do those, who can’t be happy for others. Let continue to write angry comments,” with these words they expressed their opinion.