Саша Савельева призналась, когда собирается стать матерью
Eight years ago, popular singer and member of the group “Factory” Sasha Savelyeva and got married to actor and Director Kirill Safonov.

Саша Савельева призналась, когда собирается стать матерью

Spouse amaze idyll in relations, they do not give cause for gossip. According to Sasha, the most popular question she is asked, is the theme of motherhood. Recently the singer decided to appease the fans and answered the question, when are they going to become parents.

Саша Савельева призналась, когда собирается стать матерью

“100500 question about this. Thank experience for us with Cyril. With your prayers that this event will come closer,” he said.

Recall that Cyril already have a daughter Anastasia from a previous marriage.

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