Сандра Баллок со слезами рассказывает об усыновленных детях

53-year-old Sandra Bullock refers to adoption are very sensitive, because she has two adopted children: eight-year-old son Louis and five year old daughter Lila. The actress was invited on the show the Moves of Kotb on NBC where she with tears in the eyes told of the adoption.

Sandra sees adopted children as their own. “Hundreds of thousands of children ready to become your family. Forever become a parent with the moment when take the child and his love,” said the actress.

In an interview for InStyle magazine Sandra asked parents of adopted children not to use the term “adopted”, and to call your children “ours”. “All of this makes me cry. Let’s call these children “our children”. Don’t say “my adopted child”, nobody says “ECO-kid”. Let’s just say — “our children,” said Sandra.

Recall success of his beloved, her perpetual lack of employment and her house could not stand the husband of Sandra Bullock Jesse Gregory James. The couple broke up in 2010. For a long time the actress could not come in itself, and it seemed that she was in a prolonged depression. The only consolation for Sandra was the adopted son of LIUs.

In 2015, the Bullock has a new man. They became the photographer Brian Randall. The former model is perfectly fit to the life of the actress and breathed new life into it. He also became the inspiration for Sandra on the adoption of another child. So, in December 2015, the family of the actress has increased by one person – a daughter, Lila.

“When I first saw Leela, I realized that she needs to be with me. There was no doubt. I can say with confidence: we need the children come to me” — recently said Sandra.

Last year, the media reported that the couple wants to have another baby.

“He tells friends that every morning starts the day with the words, “Thank you God for the blessings in my life.” Brian is in love. He likes to raise kids with Sandra, and they discuss the possibility of having a third child,” said a source close to the photographer for the tabloid Us Weekly.