Одинаковые! Сын Максима Фадеева вырос копией своего отца
20-year-old Sawa was struck by the similarity with the parent.

Photo: Instagram

Maxim Fadeev is definitely one of the most prominent figures of the domestic show-business. And not because of his impressive size, and “work and conscience”. He makes a quality “product” with all their artists and not exploit them, and work in teams. This year the producer even cancelled at its center a standard relationship “star-producer”. Now he and his artists are equal partners.

And max is growing a worthy replacement. His only son Sava, who last year celebrated 20 years, also engaged in music, writes poetry and is involved in many creative projects of his father. For example, he did a gorgeous photo shoot of the group SEREBRO couple of years ago when the band was joined by singer Kate Kischuk.

Despite the popularity of the father and the perfect family welfare, Savva rose a modest young man who wants to strike out on my own. For example, at the age of 16 to earn money, the boy got a job as a courier. Not because the father did not give him funds, and to have their own money.

Recently Fadeev published in personal blog, photo collage, which shows how much of Savva similar to the Fadeev. “Who is in what photos, guess yourself!” — he signed the picture.

In fact, to distinguish between max and Sava is not difficult, but rather because of the quality of compared photos. It is seen that Fadeyev had done her portrait a few decades ago.

Fans of the producer was amazed at how deeply the son is like the father. That is, this case is quite normal, however, this complete similarity is still uncommon. “If photocopied!” — admired fans.