Райан Рейнольдс дал редкое интервью, в котором поделился о семейной жизни и воспитании трех дочерей

Райан Рейнольдс дал редкое интервью, в котором поделился о семейной жизни и воспитании трех дочерей

At the end of August 2019 42-year-old actor Ryan Reynolds and his 32-year-old wife Blake lively became parents for the third time. However was told about this amazing event only a couple of months, as I didn’t want attention from the press. The journalists managed to take a little interview with the actor, who very carefully hides his personal life.

Ryan was the main character in the movie “Six out of the law”, which will soon be released cinemas. The actor admitted that it was very difficult to combine work and family life, especially when a third child. He stated that he is madly in love with his life and he likes the way things are. Reynolds confessed that he loves his daughters, but three at once can be very difficult, though, to complain about this and not openly accepted.

Also in a recent interview, he slightly joked after the birth of the third girl. “I think I found a way to erase men from the face of the earth” — joked the actor. And his lovely wife Blake lively always said that he would like to have a lot of children, most importantly, that she did it to exercise.

The young couple, there is no controversy in raising children. According to the celebrities they grew up in wonderful families and their childhood can be called happy. So they are doing everything they can to make their children repeat the fate of the happy parents.

Well, we can only wish happiness to this lovely couple and even more children they can properly educate.

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