Райан Рейнольдс и Блейк Лайвли раскрыли имя дочери

Star parents Ryan Reynolds and Blake lively said, as he called the youngest daughter.

At the end of September in the family of Ryan Reynolds (Rayan Reynolds) and Blake lively (Blake Lively) was replenished. Was born the second daughter of the couple, and last week star parents for the first time showed the kids on the Hollywood walk of fame.

“I want to thank my wife Blake, who is present here and that means everything to me. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. You gave me the two most incredible children,” said Reynolds in a solemn speech.

Yesterday the representative of the couple has disclosed the name of the youngest daughter — it was called Inez. Recall that the older name is James, in honor of the father of the actor.

Lively and Reynolds together since 2011. A year later relations actors got married. Their first daughter, whose name is also carefully concealed, was born in 2014, and two months ago came to light the second.