Roman Kostomarov suffered a second stroke The athlete's condition is not improving.

Roman Kostomarov suffered a second stroke Roman Kostomarov was hospitalized for another 10- oh january. All this time, doctors are doing their best to get the athlete back to normal life. A few days ago, his condition improved somewhat. Kostomarov began to breathe on his own, but the positive dynamics quickly turned negative.

There is information that the skater will have to amputate his left hand. He also had otitis exacerbation, which gave complications. As a result, Roman was diagnosed with secondary meningitis, hemorrhage, and a brain hematoma. New growths were found in the frontal, right occipital and left parietal regions.

And last night, news came that he had a stroke. The athlete spent the night in intensive care, where doctors performed plasmapheresis (blood purification) due to sepsis.

And now it became known that he had a second stroke, resulting in a blockage of cerebral vessels. His condition remains extremely serious and unstable. Read more: 1 2 next. →

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