Роман Абрамович и Даша Жукова официально расторгли свои отношения

Russian businessman and owner of the billion-dollar status and gallery owner Dasha Zhukova has written an official statement about their breakup.

Роман Абрамович и Даша Жукова официально расторгли свои отношения

The couple decided to remain friends, and broke up for good. Despite the fact that they carefully concealed the details of his personal life, a couple out was to hide the divorce. “After 10 years of marriage we have taken the difficult decision to leave, but remain close friends, the parents of two wonderful children and partners in projects that were started and developed together.”

The couple has two children — son Aaron is seven years old and a daughter Leah, who was four years old.

“We intend to work together to raise our children and continue working as the co-founders of Museum of modern art “Garage” in Moscow and a cultural center on New Holland island in St. Petersburg. We ask that everyone respect our privacy during this difficult period,” says the couple.
For Abramovich, Zhukova has become a third wife. In ‘ 87 he was married to Olga Lissovoy, with whom he lived for three years. The age of 16 he was married to Irina Malandina with which he has got five children.

Роман Абрамович и Даша Жукова официально расторгли свои отношения

Billionaire and owner of English club Abramovich met with his ex-wife in February 2005 at an after-party after the match “Chelsea” in Barcelona. Due to the rare appearance of the couple together in public, many publications have attributed them to divorce for a variety of reasons.

Such an event could not comment on family friend and lawyer Alexander Karabanov. But even he was not as knowledgeable about the personal lives of his friends. “It is difficult to comment on it, because after all private life is secret, nobody can be dedicated fully. I’m sure that every relationship has a beginning, there is the completion stage. And, of course, I personally am not even looking at the examples of their friends who are recently divorced.” — says Alexander. “For men, of course, a very important material aspect. In terms of what is happening with the business, with the crisis. It is likely, it’s just how the catalyst worked, including on personal relationships”.

Alexander Dobrokovsky also opened the veil on what is happening. He told readers that the end of the marriage had long been known. Not infrequently the couple appeared at events separately. For example, the novel often has appeared on the football one, while Daria separately entertained at parties.

Remind that Roman Abramovich is the owner of the state to $ 9 billion, occupying 12th place in the Russian Forbes list. It has one of the largest yachts in the world, called Eclipse. But the main achievement of a billionaire is his collection worth one billion dollars. This collection includes the collection of 40 works by the artist Ilya Kabakov cost of which is $ 60 million. Abramovich gave his now ex-wife, Daria statue by Giacometti, which cost him $ 14 million, the paintings of Francis bacon for $ 86 million, or Lucian Freud for $ 33 million.