Рома Жуков узнал правду о предполагаемом внебрачном ребенке The singer received the results of DNA examination. Roman Zhukov to end was confident that he could not be illegitimate children. With his wife Helen the artist is now on the verge of divorce.
Рома Жуков узнал правду о предполагаемом внебрачном ребенке

For 13 years the Roma Zhukov married to a lovely blonde Elena. The couple had seven children and the lovers looked incredibly happy. However, six years ago in a family tragedy: the daughter of singer died in a freak accident.

After that, the relationship between the spouses began to deteriorate, and eventually they decided to live separately. Recently it turned out that Elena’s friend Olga Zhukov allegedly gave birth to a child.

All actors in this dramatic story are gathered in the Studio of “actually”.

Roman immediately shocked the audience, saying that he never loved his wife.

“We got married largely due to the fact that she was pregnant. I was already 36 years old, thought it was time to start a family, and Lena looked like an excellent candidate for the role of mother and wife. The advent of children, always initiated by her, I just didn’t insist on the contrary. But my children love it and even after breaking up with his wife continue to communicate with them,” – said Roma Zhukov.
Рома Жуков узнал правду о предполагаемом внебрачном ребенке

The singer admitted that he had not engaged in intimate relations with Olga Illarionova, who allegedly bore him a daughter. However, the man does not deny the infidelity present in his life during the period of the marriage.

The experts of the program found out that his wife Zhukov also was not true. According to the artist, in recent years, the wife began to frequently disappear at parties and return home in the morning.

Her ex-girlfriend Olga noted that it is because of cheeky behavior and Elena broke up her marriage.

“The Roma I’ve always liked. Now I want to be with him, to build a family. Lena herself is guilty that their marriage eventually disintegrated. We met with him for a while, and then Roma went to Sochi and communication was interrupted,” – said the mother of the alleged child Zhukov.

The artist himself categorically denied an affair with a young woman. According to Roman, they were friends, but spoke only in General of the company and never entered into a sexual relationship.

The truth was revealed only at the end of transmission. Presenter Dmitry Shepelev was awarded to Olga Illarionova the results of the DNA examination. As it turned out, the probability of paternity Zhukov almost equal to zero. The outcome of the study shocked the young woman, but it pleased the artist.

In the end, the man said he made important conclusions about the behavior of his wife. Apparently, he intends to formalize the divorce. The fans hope that the final break ex-lovers will not impact negatively on the lives of their children.