Робби Уильямс хотел бы поужинать с Владимиром Путиным

Less than a month ago Robbie Williams presented his new video for the song Party Like A Russian. Bright and quite an unusual video that shows the idea of how fun the Russians. Robbie and the creators of the clip think in the video they didn’t show anything nasty or provocative. However, the Russian side video was not accepted so warmly as I would like.

Russian journalists, Williams told about his attitude to Russia: “It’s not something I really think about Russia in General, — says the singer. I know that Russia is as multi-faceted country like Britain. The incredible power inherent in the nature of your people, which no one has surpassed. When I come to you, and myself feel so masculine. And it’s very impressive.”

Many netizens after watching the clip, were convinced that Robbie appears in the image of the ruler (referring to Vladimir Putin) and shows his gorgeous life. Williams himself says that nothing of the kind he had in mind: “Anything similar: I have no desire or interest to do it, says Robbie. On the contrary I would love to meet with Putin. You know what they say: if you could make a list of the greatest guests you could invite for dinner — Vladimir Putin, by far, one of the people with whom I would like to have dinner”.