Рита Дакота поделилась своим самым большим страхом
The singer spoke about the peculiarities of his body.

Photo: Instagram.com

Rita Dakota admitted that he was afraid to do yoga: it is
the word and all that it involves, she is hateful and unpleasant. The fact that
the singer not flexible by nature, it is not
impossible to do even the simplest forward bends.

“I was always athletic
child. Basketball, football, skate, rollers, all the standards in school at 5. In addition
one: tilts forward. So you understand, I’m on the floor on my ass can’t sit
in the right angle, it hurts. I’m not filth at all. Standing knee-length place barely
get, not that to the floor, says Dakota. — Neither the family nor the teachers I ever as a child
said that this is a problem that it is necessary to deal with it, go for stretching, physical therapy,
to contact the experts. So I lived to 17 years, engaged in active “stretch-free”
sports, in happiness and in full
confidence that this is not a problem.”
And all would be nothing if the singer has not got on “Factory of stars”, where instead
charging introduced yoga classes. Far
2007, where yoga is just a fashion… Four months in a row from 8:00 to 10:00
forced Chaturanga Dandasana and other deadly torment. I cried
suffered, suffered. I had the critical days up to 3 times a month once specially
I cut my leg. Seriously. But every day has started with the fact that I opened
eyes, aware that I have now and was starting to suffer in silence”.

After The “Factory
stars” at the Dakota for life repulsed
even the desire to try new asanas. “But it has been 10
years, I’m kind of conscious and quite a harmonious person, and I can’t bear
interesting to overcome one of his last serious fears, — says the singer. — In General, probably, it’s all about
teacher. The teacher, who will help me to hear your body, not fight
him, and help him become a better person”.