Рита Дакота начала переживать перед родами
Recently, the fans are sincerely happy for spouses Rita Dakota and Vlad Sokolovsky.

Рита Дакота начала переживать перед родами

It became known about the imminent addition to the family of musicians.

Рита Дакота начала переживать перед родами

But Rita shared the fear that can’t be a good mom.

“Sometimes when I’m in tears calling my mom and saying “MA, well, what of my mother, I can never be like you!” she said to me: “Rita, at first I also didn’t know what to do with you, when you were yelling at night. Rocked you in my arms, and thought to myself, “Oh, please, darling, shut up, shut up, shut up!” But it’s the same as something, nothing, and you will come,” – said Dakota.

The couple said that he was going to give birth in Russia.

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