Рианна скрывает округлившийся животик под концертными нарядами
Strongly plump pop diva surprised his fans.

Рианна скрывает округлившийся животик под концертными нарядами


Photo: Instagram.com

The figure of Rihanna at a recent concert in Vancouver attracted attention. Fans couldn’t help but notice: is usually slim and fit
Barbados beauty strongly recovered. The impression was that concert
costumes for Rihanna literally barely fastened, under tight-fitting outfits the singer is clearly visible rounded tummy.

In the foreign press here
there were reports about a possible pregnancy of the singer. It became known that Rihanna is allegedly in
the last time he refused to use alcohol and tobacco. And that’s just
renewed wave of rumors about the interesting position of the singer. Moreover, overseas
the tabloid “Star Magazine”,
have even managed to record the alleged fathers of a child Rihanna — Leonardo DiCaprio! Which, by the way, in the history of Dating the actor and singer has been going
for the second time. Moreover, last time it ended with a lawsuit from Leonardo to the newspaper, first wrote about his “fatherhood”.

Rihanna changes her figure has not commented on. But the other day she surprised fans with the result of his work with a well-known sports firm. Pop diva
published in the microblog picture… fur Slippers! By the way, Rihanna is very
boasts released new. “Thank you all! They were sold out online for some 30
minutes. Those who are late, can try to catch the remnants in the shops…” —
signed photo of the singer.

However, Leonardo himself too clearly in no hurry to comment on the rumors about his possible fatherhood. Lately he’s been spotted with Rihanna just once — at a music festival. But the rest of the time Oscar-winning actor spends in the company often successive models. However, with the recent beautiful Roxy Horner — DiCaprio seen for more than two times, and even managed to record it in the ranks of loyal girlfriends of the actor.


Photo: Splash News/East news

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