Раскрыт секрет идеальной талии Ким Кардашьян

Not photoshop, not liposuction and is not even the correct angle. Experts believe that Kardashian has removed his ribs in order to give us the perfect pictures.

The figure of Kim Kardashian is a constant object of discussion!

After the birth of second child (son of St. was born on 5 Dec last year), Kim has worked relentlessly to reset recruited during pregnancy weight. After the first birth Kardashian had a hard time in the fight with the hated kilograms, so this time she came prepared: nutrition program, personal trainer, and the right motivation. Socialite didn’t hide that before she started losing weight, her weight was 86 kg, and the goal was 59 kg.

Less than a year, as Kardashian told fans that she lost 30 pounds and continued to delight the audience with his candid shots.

However, the followers of the star do not believe Kim: waist star unnaturally narrow! It would seem that the ideal shape to which you can come through constantly training and rigid diet.

In addition to a healthy lifestyle the Kardashian several times in your “Instagram” and posted pictures on trendy slimming corset, which is known throughout Hollywood. Waist Training – corset, which declares itself as the perfect tool for reducing the waistline. According to rumors, even the stars thin to wear it under dresses on red carpets, and during training, there is no limit to sovershenstvu.

Edition W0man”s Day turned to a plastic surgeon who told how Kim was able to achieve such a perfect wasp waist.

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Olga Shemonaeva, plastic surgeon, full member of the society of plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons of Russia (charge):

Раскрыт секрет идеальной талии Ким Кардашьян

It is difficult to assess the full range of procedures carried out Kim Kardashian for recovery after the second birth. Obviously, it was used as the body care (lymphatic drainage massages, wraps) to improve the quality of the skin, diet, regular sport for muscle tone.

In addition, I do not exclude that the Instagram star resorted to plastic surgery to remove the lower ribs. Because upon closer inspection, above the navel stars a fairly narrow waist, which can only be achieved surgically.

And do not neglect the fact that many Hollywood stars process the images in photo editor before publication.

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