Вернется ли Джулианна Маргулис в спин-офф «Хорошей жены»?

Series on life of law enforcement officers and lawyers are the most popular among viewers, it is not surprising that the TV story, called “the Good wife” stay afloat for so long (7 seasons). But, like all good things, this series came to an end, but to lose your audience its creators didn’t because it took up shooting of the spin-off, which will soon be aired.

The main roles will be performed by Christine Baranski, Sarah Steele and Cereals Jumbo.

Christine returns to the role of Diane Lockhart, Kas again will play the role of Lucca.

In the large-scale financial fraud loses its first state, the second business reputation. The action in the show will unfold a year after the events of the final episode of “the Good wife”, which was released on 8 may 2016.

Fans of “the Good wife” creators are asking the only question is to return to the performance of its role Julianna Margulies? This question was answered by the author Robert king: “We talked with Julianne and her possible return to the role of Alicia florrick. We have come to believe that for her, this story is still finished. I don’t think you should wait for her appearance in the series this year”.

The answer of the king was added by Christine Baranski, who supports Margulis friendships: “She gave me directions, and she decided to retire. She said she was dedicated to the project for seven years. during this time she was tired and exhausted, because now she wants to relax and devote time to his family. The final episode was really the climax. Now that Jules is gone, we take it from there. We have five lovely ladies for a new show.”