Рената Литвинова расстроила поклонников
Fans are disappointed to hear that you’ve missed.

Renata Litvinova

Fans of Renata Litvinova are ready to tear your hair
and to sprinkle ashes on his head, because the day before they learned that could meet
actress on the streets of Moscow. It turned out, having played the play Litvinova decided
to eat pancakes and then enjoy long walks at night

“After the performance we went to see where in
alley you can eat pancakes —
told the star in a personal microblogging. — Walked to our theater
the alley, and got sucked into a long walk — the walk to the house. And your favorite
routes in Moscow? Because it has now become quite another and very Russian, and
very European and that’s great.»

Fans complained that yesterday walked from the theater
they. Chekhov, where he served as an actress, to the Patriarch’s ponds, where she lives, and
agreed that Moscow is beautiful. Many subscribers to the social pages Litvinova amazed its appearance on the published photos for Renata was wearing a light coat, not suitable for cold weather. But knowledgeable fans immediately explained why the actress did not freeze, saying that things made of pure wool warm sometimes worse than the jackets, and, besides Renata’s route from work to home is about two kilometers.