Обнародована причина смерти 16-летнего сына Андрея Разина
Mastermind known group “Tender may” and businessman Andrey Razin reported the terrible news of the sudden death of his son Alexander.

Обнародована причина смерти 16-летнего сына Андрея Разина

Personal life of Andrei Razin is quite confusing. It is known that the first son Ilya Razin was born in 1985 gradu, but its existence is father learned only in 2003.

And here Alexander was born in wedlock in 2001, and judging by the photo, the relationship with him and his mother Faina remained a family. In January they celebrated his birthday, and holiday photos Andrew commented: “We with the wife are the happy parents. Our sixteen year old son Sasha. 20.01 2017”.

Обнародована причина смерти 16-летнего сына Андрея Разина

But after less than two months after that, in the microblog his current wife Natalia Grozovsky appeared mournful entry: “Friends, we sorrow… Died the son of Andrei Razin Razin Sasha. Please pray for the repose of his soul…”.
Under strange circumstances died suddenly 16-year-old son of Andrey Razin

Soon the son’s death was confirmed by Sam Andrew.
– The last photo with my son. The Kingdom of heaven Rimma, – signed photo of Razin.

Обнародована причина смерти 16-летнего сына Андрея Разина

Relatives do not want to talk about the causes of death guy. They say that while walking with his girlfriend, he suddenly collapsed. She called an ambulance, and after a few hours of fighting for his life, he died. The reason was a heart attack.

Of course, it is always strange to learn that a young man, chasing with friends on motorcycles, suddenly dies of a heart attack, but I guess it happens…

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Author: Mysha

Author photo: Instagram

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