Родственники няни-убийцы выкупили квартиру, где произошла трагедия “StarHit” to find out what has changed in the lives of the defendants in the scary story in six months. The family of Gulchehra Babakulova bought a house where she committed a violent crime. The owner of this three-pointers wanted as soon as possible to get rid of the property and to forget about what happened.

      Родственники няни-убийцы выкупили квартиру, где произошла трагедия

      Since this shocking story took six months. Recall that the massacre of 4-year-old Anastasia meshcheriakova, who suffers from cerebral palsy, has hit the entire country: the Uzbek Gulchehra Bobokulov caring for the girl for three years, cut her head off with a knife. And then went to subway “October field”, which threatened to blow himself up. The police took half an hour to hold nanny and send in for questioning to POLICE, the station…

      According to the results of a psychiatric examination Bobokulov insane. She is under arrest in the police in the detention center “Butyrka”. At the time of signing of the rooms was known that the next hearing in the case will take place on August 29. “StarHit” to find out what became of the family Nasty and the apartment where the murder occurred. The parents of the beheaded girl was fighting for her life before the tragedy

      “We have about 30 relatives – says “StarHit” the cousin of the father of the girl. – During the funeral of Anastasia her grandfather could hardly stand on my feet, and my grandmother didn’t know anybody. Now they are better. But grandpa exhausted… After what happened we never were going with the whole family, very hard.”

      Родственники няни-убийцы выкупили квартиру, где произошла трагедия

      Grieving parents have lost not only a daughter but also a roof over my head. Bobokulov lit a removable three-pointer, along with the body of the child and the Chihuahua Lucy.

      “After the fire, Vova and Katya with her older son Bones the first time we lived in the town of Livny, Oryol region, – continues Olga. – Anastasia is buried in the local cemetery. Every day they went to the grave, looking for the ritual offices of the monument. When he returned to Moscow, they were sheltered by the sister of Vladimir Galina.

      Mistress of the boards on the street people’s militia, in which the tragedy occurred, tried quickly sell real estate, and Nastya’s family to go back there not wanted. “She escaped from this cursed place,” says neighbor Valentina. As at least some compensation to the relatives of a nanny-killer offered to buy the apartment. The hostess immediately agreed, adding that come back here no more. They have already made the repairs. I was on the inside, traces of fire there, changed even the floor.

      Mesherjakova moved into the apartment in the same area. The apartment spent the money after the brutal murder of their daughter translated their sympathizers. For the family of beheaded girls collected millions of rubles

      “The older Kostya school nearby in September he will start in the 8th grade,” says a friend of the family, Jeanne. – Funds remaining after the purchase of the apartment, Vova and Katya spent on clothing and textbooks.”

      Now the family Mesherjakova lives a normal life without attracting attention to yourself. Vladimir and Ekaterina work on old work: he is a programmer, she’s an accountant in a private company.

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