Помолодевший Андрей Ургант устроился продавать бургеры In St. Petersburg hosted the traditional November event”, Machappy Day”, which was attended by the stars. Behind the counter of a fast food stood Andrei Urgant, Sergey Migitsko, Pauline Sidikhin, Yulia Yakovleva Lubov Egorova and others.

      Помолодевший Андрей Ургант устроился продавать бургеры

      The traditional November event”, Machappy Day” was held recently in all restaurants “McDonald’s”. Petersburg is no exception. Behind the counter of a restaurant network stood the most famous residents of the Northern capital, including athletes, politicians, stars of show business and TV presenters.

      The campaign “Machappy day” on Kamennoostrovskom Avenue gave Olympic champion Lubov Egorova and actress of the series “Secrets of Investigation” Yulia Yakovleva. Almost half an hour they served the restaurant trays of food, and then gave way to male actors Andrey Urgant and Sergey Migitsko.

      Andrey Urgant, which a few days will celebrate its 60th anniversary, dropping a few pounds, looked younger. He said he might eat a couple of burgers, and all were called to this day “to collect as much food as possible to help the children.”

      “I’m a participant shares, “Machappy Day”, however, two of the shares I still missed due to the tight schedule. But when you have the opportunity – always ready to help. Even today I was at mom’s and had to spend the whole day with her, but when she heard that today such an important day, she said, “There you need,” admitted Urgant senior.
      Помолодевший Андрей Ургант устроился продавать бургеры

      Cheerfully handing out trays, at some point, the stars began to improvise, and instead of shouting of order numbers was sticking to his forehead checks with these same numbers. Surprised fans immediately recognized the “camouflage” of a famous actor, but when the check came off, then immediately asked to make the coveted selfie.

      Supported his colleague and chief Anderson of the country – actor Sergei Migitsko, which makes for a good story even missed the premiere performance daughter!

      “With Any Egorova from the very beginning we supported this project, as I could not attend here? And, in General, where’s my check, I went to work,” smiled Migitsko.

      Помолодевший Андрей Ургант устроился продавать бургеры

      Joining Urgant, Migitsko for half an hour entertained the guests with funny jokes, grimaces. And at some point he left the counter and asked, “where’s the box for donations, I want to show you what to do!” Finding the box at the cash register, Migitsko pulled out some bills and dropped them in a glass box, followed by the usual visitors of the restaurant.

      To their elders was joined by actress Pauline Sidikhin, which for the first time involved in this action. Together with the actors she played the tickets to her solo performance in a theater and also for a long time, handing out trays of coveted Goodies.

      Also, the action was attended by Alexander Polovtsev, Larisa Luppian, Boris Smolkin, Anwar Myampquot;, Simon Forman, albert zhalilov, and many others.

      Note that for the 14 years of the campaign in Russia more than 200 million rubles transferred to support projects of Charitable Foundation “House of Ronald McDonald”.

      Помолодевший Андрей Ургант устроился продавать бургеры