Регина Тодоренко готовится к операции после нападения
TV presenter worried about the life of his “best friend”.

Regina Todorenko

Photo: @Instagram reginatodorenko Regina Todorenko

Regina todorenko doted in his dog — Yorkshire Terrier named Mozart. A couple of days ago her best friend was attacked. A large dog caused a serious injury to the dog Regina. Little Mozart survived the attack, but his condition makes Todorenko serious concerns. The doctors put the animal daily drip and insist on surgery.

“My Mozart just got bit by a huge dog. Now little Susan put a dropper every day. Doing better, but suggested an operation to tighten the muscle, which the dog touched the fangs. Advise whether to do the surgery? I am very afraid and worried, as you say, these little Pets can not tolerate anesthesia…” — is lost in doubt Regina.

Indecision Todorenko is quite justified: according to statistics, small dogs do much worse to tolerate the anesthesia than the larger species. However, in situations where operation is the pressing need there is no place for hesitation. The fans support Regina in a difficult situation, and wish your pet a speedy recovery.