Регина Тодоренко освоила сёрфинг
The star of the show “heads and tails” went on a fascinating journey in Bali.

Регина Тодоренко освоила сёрфинг

Regina Todorenko

Photo: PR office of the presenter

After eight months of continuous round-the-world
journey singer and host of the show “heads and tails” went to the long-awaited
vacation. Now Regina todorenko is on Bali takes surfing lessons for
which crossed the ocean.

Despite the fact that in the famous traveler long ago
its fame as “the most fearless presenter”, Regina admitted that
to overcome your fear and for the first time to get on Board she still had. She
the words, “baptism of fire” was not very easy.

“Immediately when I walked into the water, and my instructor reached
a certain point where you can already catch waves, life embodied all the
my fears, which I thought said Regina. — I immediately got
Board head, then Board turned around and I got lips, smashing them in
blood. I decided for myself that let it be a kind of initiation into surfers
let go of all your fears and a few drops of the first green wave was
conquered — I got on Board! It is impossible to convey these feelings, even when
a very small wave height in meters, it seems that you are the conqueror of the world!”

Regina Todorenko

Photo: PR office of the presenter

In addition, in between surfing, Todorenko in yoga, which has been practicing for more than six years. “My
morning in Bali begins with yoga. In the noisy bustling city we lose internal
the balance, therefore I suggest to travel to such Holy places to recover
all the vital processes in the body,” shared Regina.

We will remind that not so long ago, Regina came back from around the world
travel with the project “heads and tails”. For 8 months the crew traveled
71 in 46 countries, whereby Regina became the first in the history
female Teleputeshestviya committed continuous “around the world”.