Host of “heads and tails” showed a picture chosen from a trip to the Port. Fans Todorenko was enthusiastic frame of the star, as she kept her boyfriend.
Host of “heads and tails”, which airs on the TV channel “Friday”, first posted a picture with her lover. The photo was taken during their trip to the Portuguese city of Porto. Regina gently hugs the laughing young man, and behind them you can see the monumental architecture of the medieval city. “Warm together”, – has signed a frame leading.
Fans Todorenko was surprised, because previously she never hinted that her heart is taken. Most fans admired the harmonious picture. “Happy what”, “Cute”, “take care of each other!”, – wrote followers star “eagle and Tails”.
The most attentive followers of the leading found out that the chosen girl was Nikita trakin, author and producer of the international festival of stand-up Comedy “Indie Comedians 2016”, which was held in September in Moscow. In his microblog, you can see the record with the comic performances, and footage from trips abroad.
Viewers of the program “heads and tails” for a long time thought Todorenko meets with a colleague on Nikolay Serga, as they cuddled on the photos from the trip and behaved as a couple. However, leading denied these rumors. Todorenko and Serga explained that during the joint work, they became good friends, ready to help in any situation.
By the way, at the moment Regina is located in Bali, where she decided to arrange for original test – to go 10 days without shoes. “I start my bezolovni marathon. I have long wanted to do, feared that the streets are too dirty, sore some pick up or something. I think Bali island is so pure, so magical that I want to be closer to nature. In childhood we spent all summer with his brother went barefoot at the cottage in the garden, then urban life changed the little girl, and she was wearing sneakers, shoes, heels. Sometimes, all these things so strangle us that not only inside, but outside there are blocks, clamps. To avoid such blocks it is necessary to reboot. Rest your soul and body,” said Todorenko, filmed a walk bosikov on the pavement in the video.