Регина Тодоренко прокомментировала свой роман с Владом Топаловым
Some time ago in the network appeared the information about the affair with presenter Regina Todorenko with the singer Vlad Topalov.

Регина Тодоренко прокомментировала свой роман с Владом Топаловым

This conclusion was made after one interview the girl. Regina finally decided to shed some light on this information and uncover the truth. It turned out that between her and Vlad’s nothing there.

Регина Тодоренко прокомментировала свой роман с Владом Топаловым

“Vlad we share a theatrical production of “Put the wife in the pawn shop”, which premiered in Moscow in late August. In it we play a loving couple. Apparently, we were so natural and so convincing in these images that the audience came to the show, believed in the existence of feelings between us offstage and easily moved them in real life,” admitted Todorenko.

Recall that Regina a few years was in a relationship with producer Nikita by Trakhinin, but at the end of last summer they broke up. After that the girl and began to ascribe new novels.

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