Королева фотошопа Успенская примерила идеальное бикини

The Russian singer has published in his Instagram a candid beach picture in which she appeared in a chic, sexy swimsuit.

Lyubov Uspenskaya loves to please its fans with a very personal images. At a recent singer appeared in a very sexy and at the same time stylish black swimsuit in retro style.

The choice of the stars fell on the fusion model in a vintage style in a plunging neckline and a seductive slit to the waist. Beachy look perfectly complemented a pair of sunglasses, horn-rimmed glasses and elegant maroon turban. The picture was very good: I can’t believe that it depicts a 62-year-old woman. However, fans of the singer immediately saw the photo traces of photoshop. According to some of them, the assumption retouched part of the thigh, making the skin unnaturally smooth.

“In the area of the thigh overdid the blur!”, “Th-that leg photoshopped half)”, “Luba understands the basics of photoshop, never too late to learn” – read the comments under the picture.