Качественная штукатурка «Полигран» от компании «Лентехстром»

Company Lentechstrom offers plastering, dry mixes of the highest quality. They are made with modern equipment and undergo a thorough checking at the time of manufacture and after it.

Company Lentechstrom” produces a variety of plaster mixes for over 17 years. And during all this time special attention was paid to the quality of raw materials and finished products, and continuous improvement of the manufacturing process. Thanks to this, the company can offer the market the plaster of the finest quality, manufactured using modern high tech equipment.

Plaster “poligran”: types and characteristics

  • “Basic”. Recommended for carrying out external refurbishment works and the preparation of walls of living and household rooms. It can be applied in high humidity conditions. Well suited for smoothing serious grooves and tubercles on the surface. Can be applied as an average, and quite thick (5-20 mm). Plastering both manually and with the help of special equipment. Has a dark gray color and a rather large fraction (up to 1.25 mm).
  • Main. Can also be used for implementing interior and exterior, well evens the surface even with significant dredging. “Baseline” is a lighter shade of the final surface, and small fraction (up to 1 mm). To compare other properties of these two popular varieties on the official website: http://ltsr.ru/stroitelnye_smesi/shtukaturka/.
  • “Finishing”. This plaster is allowed to be used outside buildings, and indoors. It is recommended for finishing of walls and ceilings. Often used in rooms with high humidity. Its distinctive feature is the formation of a smooth, easily workable surface, so it does not require a later taping. This helps to save power, and funds for repair and finishing works. The finished mixture can be applied manually and by machine.
  • “Plaster thick”. Recommended for the quality of the internal works. Used for leveling surfaces, and for the final coating. You can create a very thick layer, up to 80 mm. It is white, does not require additional taping. In addition to the alignment of the walls and provide a better fit to them and finishing materials, the plaster improves the thermal and sound insulation of premises. The maximum fraction — 1 mm. it is Noteworthy that after preparation of the solution with all of the above mixtures it is possible to work up to 4 hours, but gypsum plaster is suitable for use only 60 minutes.

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