Пугачева и Галкин подняли настроение перенесшему болезнь Валентину Юдашкину
Recovering couturier organized a small party in honor of his own birthday.

Пугачева и Галкин подняли настроение перенесшему болезнь Валентину Юдашкину

Maxim Galkin, Marina Yudashkin, Valentin Yudashkin, Alla Pugacheva and Alina Redel

Photo: @vyudashkin Instagram Valentin Yudashkin

Valentin Yudashkin seems to have completely recovered from recent surgery on the kidneys. Famous fashion designer has organized a modest celebration of his 53rd birthday. Your birthday Yudashkin celebrated with the closest friends, among whom were Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva.

Valentin Yudashkin and Maxim Galkin

Photo: @vyudashkin Instagram Valentin Yudashkin

Judging by the pictures, the star pair during a family dinner great were able to raise Yudashkin mood. At a joint photo Valentin looks much better than a few days ago. Because of their well-being couturier was not to make a big party. In addition, it is necessary to keep power to “fashion Week in Moscow”, which will start from day to day. Yudashkin intends to present his spring-summer collection, which worked hard for a long time, this time personally.

Recall that at fashion Week in Paris, Valentine was replaced by his daughter — Galina Yudashkin. Learning about surgery dad, she previously flew to France, where he quickly became involved in the preparation of fashion shows. At the end of the fashion show, Galina came out instead of the Pope on the podium, holding the hands of the beloved grandson of Valentina — small Anatolia.